MACAA Fall Business Meeting

October 22, 2019, Spanish Peaks Room

Comfort Inn, Bozeman MT 6:30 p.m.

 The meeting was called to order by President Shelley Mills at 6:56 p.m.  There were 54 members and guests in attendance. 

 MINUTES: The minutes from the Spring 2019 meeting were distributed and placed on the website.  Kari L. moved to approve as distributed, Rose M. seconded. Motion passed.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer reported that MACAA has $13,374.77 in our checking account, $4152.27 in our DA Davidson account, and $6079.17 in a First Security Bank CD.  Wendy also discussed how the CD’s and DA and reported CD rates findings.  Eric moved to move to a higher CD rate and accept the treasurers report, Marko seconded, Question was called, Motion passed.

Guests: Scott Jensen gave a welcome from the NACAA Leadership.  He represents our Western Region Director Position.  Other new agents new or welcomed back included Tom Allen, Jaycee Searer, Jennifer Fosjord, Brenda Richey, and Breton Homewood.

 Correspondence:  There was a thank you note from Shelley Mills for the association helping with costs to the national meeting.

 Committee Reports:

Agronomy and Pest Management: Shelley talked about the future of technology at the national meetings, and the Palmar Amaranth workshop via distance learning in Sidney on Nov 5th.

Natural Resources/Aquaculture:  Tracy reported that due to her position they need to refill the chair.  The committee is gaining positive momentum on a national level, they are looking at the pre-tour at the national meeting, and looking at possible invasive species and distribution points.  Molly is hosting a ventata workshop for 6 credits.

Horticulture and Turfgrass:  Pat McGlynn talked about the International Master Gardener conference in June.  There were 1100 MG’s there and Kim R also attended.  Patrick M was recognized for some of his seminars and starting the association for growers.

Sustainable Ag: Tyler explained how applicants are selected, they had 2 this last year which Adriane was the state winner

Search for Excellence: Jesse gave a report on the national winners we had at the national meeting.  Adriane, Kim, and Kari won in the livestock category, and Adriane won in the Beginning farmer and rancher category. 

4-H and Youth:  Renee has left the 4-H position and they will be screening applicants soon, there was no state 4-H horse show.

 Professional Excellence: Tim Fine reported that Adriane, Kim, and Kari were the national poster winner.

Public Relations:  Kari reported on the posters at the western AMPIC-Montana won all categories (1st Rose, 2nd Allison and Tracy, 3rd Wendy and Adriane).

Recognition and Awards:  Wendy reported that Shelley Mills was the recipient of the AA award, and Bruce Smith was the recipient of the DSA award, represented by all of Bruce’s children.  The association gave Bruce the normal $500 for a stipend and Wendy donated her stipend so that Bruce’s children could accept the award.  Wendy received a thank you note from the family.  The press release was also put in the paper in Plentywood per Karen’s request.

Ag Issues, Teaching and Education Technology, and Scholarship Committees:  Ben Hauptman talked about the PSEP update and the glyphosate to the public teachings.

Animal Science:  Wendy reported on the National Conference pretour and committee meeting at the national convention.  They began in Louisville and went to Fort Wayne. 

Communications:  Nikki reported that Kari was a national finalist in the promotional package and national winner in the website category.

Early Career Development:  Patrick Mangan reached out to newish members on what is needed, they included benefits, what we do, grand writing, awards, opportunities, tasks, what are people around me doing, calendars, and reported the findings at new agent orientation and annual conference.

Teaching and Educational Technology-Rose reported that Sergio from OR, is our new chair, she discussed the TET committee plan, opportunities to give PPts, the art of storytelling,  and zoom. 

Scholarship:  Colleen Buck has the list to check if you want to know if you have donated to the fund.

All other committees had no report.


For the quarter horse book of poems, Kari is working on getting stories over to Peggy.

By-laws committee are still working on their updates, but have made progress.


Jerry Marks was recognized for 50 years of service to extension.  He gave some remarks and past stories.

Jane Mangold gave a program update.  There was $24,000 of 17 grants awarded this year, several to extension.  She mentioned the temporary specialists helping out while we have open positions.  Other positions are posted to get going on filling them.

On the National Committee level, Tim Fine will on be the Western Region Committee for Ag Issues and Public Relations, Wendy Becker will be on the Western Region Committee for Public Relations and Agriculture Awareness.

A Western Region PIC report was given:  There were over 55 attendees and guests at Great Falls.  We had some rearranging to do with the weather but overwhelming positive overall.  There were 18 posters.  Evaluations were posted.  We even had a couple get engaged at the supper event. 

Shelley reported that she will be stepping down from the WSARE position in January if anyone is interested in it.  She also gave a report on her trip to Guam and the great work they did there.

A committee was formed to plan the spring ag agent update, including Tyler, Katie H, Emily, Rose, Jeff, Colleen, Molly, Carla, Jane, and Kaleena.  They looking to host at the central ag center in Moccassin.

It was moved to seek to host the NACAA conference in 2025, (Mat, Colleen), motion passed.  Shelley will contact the Scott H, to contact the marketing agency contracted with MACAA to start the process to bid to the National meeting in 2021.

Molly M was voted to the 2nd VP position, Wendy was re-elected to the sec/treas, Josh B was elected to the Western Director position.  Shelley held the installation of officers.

Sire and Dam report:  Allison welcomed Garret, and Callie welcomed Hayes.

Rose moved to adjourn the meeting, Megan seconded, motion passed.


Announcements of upcoming meetings:

National AM/PIC              July 19-24, 2020 Virginia Beach, VA

                                             July 4-8, 2021 Philadelphia, PA

                                             July 17-22, 2022 West Palm Beach, FL


Respectfully submitted, Wendy Becker


2019-2020 Officers:

Pres-Tim Fine

VP-Tyler Lane

2nd VP-Molly Masters

Sec/Treas-Wendy Becker

Directors:  East Colleen Buck

                    Central Jesse Fulbright

                    West Josh Bilbao


Brent Roeder was selected as the recipient of the Quarter Horse Award for his annual conference “meme”.